For all introverts.

“school”, the word itself makes our heart beat faster and doesn’t put our mind to ease , well , for me it doesn’t. But then there are so many kids who look forward to waking up and getting ready for school. They seem fearless and equipped for this inevitable phase which is often regarded as “the best time” to sharpen ones skill and also to attain one of the key elements of life – Education.A process full of enlightenment. It is known to all of us that education though easily received , isn’t something to take for granted and we certainly know why. But how often do we kids enjoy or to be even more exact, engross ourself in this “profound” environment?. Or have you ever wondered how difficult it might be for an introvert to approach someone with a sole motive of making friends and socializing?. And how annoying it is to seek advice from people asking you to stop being so “timid ” and to go about and mingle with people just so you could come out of your comfort zone!. You’d often ask yourself “is it really that important for me?”.

Well as irksome and superficial it may seem to one. It really isn’t. You see , although mingling with people does seem very tedious , It could be made more appeasing when you pay heed to the consequence. You can benefit from it and also learn to become a better person by sharing your experiences or listening to others throughout the whole process of socializing and talking to people , either at school or at a social gathering it will certainly be of advantage for you.

Now you might be wondering if the person writing this fits into the above mentioned category of a social butterfly, but frankly speaking, I’m an introverted person myself. But you know what really matters?. The fact that i’m trying my best to change. It may seem impossible for me to change myself and to discover my true potentials when all i do is sit at home and fear meeting people , but then let me remind of a quote that i read : “Socializing is more positive than being alone, that’s why meetings are so popular.”

I sincerely hope that my readers and I can become a little more extroverted in this journey and make beautiful memories with people.